Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Croaghnadownies - In colour!

Click on this image to see our track in Google Maps

And we are back to Croaghnadownies. This time, in daylight!

The old house

Parked at our usual place, near the old abandoned house. From there, we head straight for the hills were ferns are growing nicely... and may soon become a small bother for hillwalkers.

In terms of weather, we are definitely continuing with this pure turf-cutter spell (in other words, sunny and dry) we've been having over the past couple of weeks. And indeed, turf-cutters are out in force, as demonstrated by the amount of peat briquettes and trenches around.

This is what a freshly cut turf field looks like

For sure, this year's late spring has been a great season for these guys - they couldn't have wished for more clement weather for this activity.

Our aspirations, however, lie elsewhere and soon find ourselves climbing the slopes of Croaghnadownies, which we know almost by heart by now.

It may look so on this picture, but it's not really that high...

While progressing rapidly upwards, we manage to scare a couple of partridges along with their small offspring, that desperately tries to run away since it cannot yet fly, whereas its parents keep a stern and agitated watch, at some distance. Thankfully, it's not in our habit to disturb a peaceful family (even for pictures) so we leave our soon to be reunited fowl friends, and continue our climb under the other watchful eyes of the various flock of sheep we disturb.

Yet another fine example of the proud-looking Donegal sheep

And thus, with the wild (and not-so-wild) life behind us, we find ourselves soon enough at the top of our hill, with some good, if not misty views, of an all too familiar Lough Nambraddan along with its surroundings.

Lough Nambraddan and a misty Sheephaven Bay

Even then, the weather is just too fine today. So we're going to help ourselves with another generous serving of gorgeous sights & fresh air, and push a bit further, towards Croaghhullagh.

Alright, let's go there!

Before doing so, since it is decidedly a bit too warm after our short climb, even in this late hour, we find that we have no choice but to remove yet another layer of clothing. How people manage to live under hot climates, when a medium paced walk in 24°C is already way too hot, is beyond my comprehension...

Still, the evening does suit itself for some splendid pictures, while we make our merry way, and we can't help but taking a snap back at Horn Head under the colourful sunlight from this peaceful evening.

Ards, and Horn peninsula in the quiet evening light

From the furthest point of our impromptu hike, we also get some good sights of Lough Anirvore, the shores of which I'll probably bring you upon, some day...

Lough Anirvore

However, since this is supposed to be a short after work affair, it is now time to head back.

But not before we take a last glance at the towering splendour of Errigal, Snaght and friends in the distance.

Looking back towards the west and the towering summits that populate it

Suggested Sound Track

Since we're talking about Colour.

Not that the tagline was a direct reference to that album. If anything, it would be a reference to the way too short-lived TV comedy Police Squad!. But you were not really supposed to know about that.

Of course, since this is an Irish themed blog, you'd probably have expected me to pick the no less excellent & Irish Trad based Words, from the Colour album. However, I kind of feel like it has been played to death, and these days I tend to enjoy this second track more, as a self-contained entity.

Additional Pictures

Bloody Foreland - Breathe

Click on this image for our track in Google Maps Less depressed than last week, on account that (no thanks to the people I asked for hel...