Monday, March 19, 2018

Craigfadda at dusk - Mind over matter

Click on the picture to see our track in Google Maps

Even though this is an after-work walk, this time, you get some pictures.

The things I'll do for you...

This evening, we set of to Craigfadda, which is another one of my regular after-work picks, particularly in the summer. I mean, what's not to like? It's isolated enough for our taste, with a climb that's not so short that it'll leave us wanting for more, and it does offer some great views from the summit, especially at dusk. Plus, if we feel like walking some more, we can always press on towards Craigcannon or the wind turbines.

A lone evening path, just the kind we like

With the clear evening skies, and the sun setting fast, it's not too long before we start to harvest exactly what we've been looking for:

The view towards the west

Furthermore, we arrive at the top at the precise moment where the sun is disappearing behind our good old friend Muckish:

A late-winter sun disappearing behind Muckish mountain

The days may still be short, but there's still some good sights to be had, especially as we find a delightful first crescent moon during our climb down. And of course, as we do so, we take our usual small detour to catch a glimpse of Lough Anny, since we've always had a weakness for this small yet inspiring lake. Too bad there's a new fence in our way, as we wouldn't mind taking a stroll against its shores, like we used to do in the past...

But while we are coming down, we also have a bit of fun with these birds, landing a few metres on the path in front of us, then flying right back out as we get close, only to land again, a few metres further, as if to playfully guide us. Birds around these parts certainly seem more intrepid than the ones I've encountered elsewhere...

Suggested Sound Track

Lyrically influenced by The Beatles and à propos, yet cryptic enough for my taste. This song fits my mood for tonight, even if I still have a stronger preference for some of the other tracks from Everybody Loves A Happy Ending:

Additional Pictures

Great views of Inishowen and Fort Dunree

A backlit Muckish

Bloody Foreland - Breathe

Click on this image for our track in Google Maps Less depressed than last week, on account that (no thanks to the people I asked for hel...